パスワード管理ツール 1Password がバージョンアップです。Version 3.6.5。

リリースノート中には、OSX Lion に関する記載が散見されますので、アップデートしときましょう。リリースノートの詳細は下に転載。

There has been one release since your last update. You can see the release notes below.

Changes for version 3.6.5 (build #31075)

Published on 2011-07-23

This update include improvements necessary for the latest version of the 1Password extension for Safari 5.1.

Please make sure you are running the latest version of Safari extension using Safari > Preferences > Extensions > Updates.

Full Changelog

Changed Improved support for keyboard shortcuts in Safari extension.

Changed Improved reliability of Safari extension autolock.

Changed Improved Safari extension installation prompt.

Changed Improved 1Password Browser Preferences on Lion.

Fixed Fixed problem with individual Login Autosubmit settings being ignored in Safari 5.1. If you experienced this problem, please remove the 1Password Safari extension, restart Safari and install the extension again.

Fixed Fixed problem where Logins without http:// or https:// in the URL would not be displayed in Safari extension. If you experienced this problem, please remove the 1Password Safari extension, restart Safari and install the extension again.

Fixed New Safari extension can now fill logins when the link is clicked in 1Password app.

Fixed Fixed problem where master password field did not have focus after restarting 1Password.

Fixed Main window size is now preserved when switching data file.

Fixed Fixed problem where pressing return while editing login URL would trigger Go & Fill.

Fixed Fixed crash after update if Safari is not installed.


スター・ウォーズ:クローン・ウォーズ 〈ファースト・シーズン〉コンプリート・ボックス【初回限定生産】 [Blu-ray]