1Password 最新版が Mac App Store からリリースされてる件について。
1Password は Mac、iPhoen、iPad 総てのデバイスで利用しており、必要不可欠といって言い過ぎでないパスワード管理用アプリ。Windwos版もあります。この1Password の最新版 Version 3.9.2はMacApp Store で販売。
ここしばらくの間、AgileBitsサイト経由で購入して利用してきた従来バージョン3.8 のアップデート頻度が下がったなあなんて思っていたら、ちょっと前から MacAppStore 通しでの販売に切り替えていたみたい、です。




What’s Different in 1Password 3.9?

To conform to Apple’s specific rules for Mac App Store submissions, there are some significant differences between the application available from the AgileBits store in the past and what you’ll get when you purchase 1Password from the Mac App Store.

While there are many changes under the hood, the things you may notice about the Mac App Store version if you have used 1Password for Mac before are:

* Lion only.
* Application “sandboxing” is in place for increased security and isolation from other applications. This places strict limits on what parts of your computer’s hard drive(s) can be accessed. Only locations that Apple approves us to access are allowed.
* An optional (enabled by default) helper icon in the menu bar is available all the time for locking, unlocking and launching the 1Password application, as well as providing continuous access to a Go & Fill option for saved Login items.
* Only one (1) 1Password data file allowed. You cannot switch between data files dynamically, either through 1Password preferences or by using the Finder.
* You only have two choices of location for the data file: within the installed sandbox of the application or in Dropbox (see below).
* If you choose to sync your 1Password data using the free Dropbox service, the 1Password data file must live in a fixed folder of your Dropbox storage and the Dropbox folder must be located in your OS X account’s Home folder. Read this article on how to move your Dropbox back to your Home folder.
* The data file’s name will always be 1Password.agilekeychain.
* Generate Login bookmarklet option was removed because if was based on depreciated OpenSSL encryption library.
* Export as encrypted HTML option was removed because if was based on depreciated OpenSSL encryption library.
* Having 1Password store its Master Password in your OS X keychain is no longer available.
* Many of the 1Password Preference panes have been simplified by removing settings that were overly complex.
* Safari bookmarklets cannot be created or changed from 1Password.


沢山の内容が書かれていますが一言にまとめると「後退」って印象です。リッチになった点はといえばメニューバーに1Passwordアイコンが表示されるようになったことくらいで、沢山あるその他各項はおしなべて制限が増えたことについての諸注意に読める内容です。冒頭のOSX Lionのみ対応に始まり、サンドボックスかDropboxしかダメよだとか、そういう。んーこれはどうなんだろう?Appleの審査の影響によるところな気がしますが、少々残念感あります。


Will 1Password 3.8 still get updates?

Absolutely! Because 1Password 3.8 and 3.9 are so similar when we have a fix for 3.9 we will include it in 3.8 as well, and vice versa: many fixes that will go into 3.9 will originate from fixes we included in 3.8. A good example of this is we brought Full Screen support from 3.9 into the 3.8.6 release and several of the 3.8.6 fixes will be included in future 3.9 releases.

The only exemption to this is any code that requires the new technologies available in Lion (such as the new 1Password Helper menu on the main menu bar). Since 3.8 supports Snow Leopard, we’re not able to rely on these technologies and so the feature won’t be added.


要約すると、3.8と3.9はほとんど同じような物なので相互に補完的に今後もアップデートをやってゆく意気込みですよ、ということらしいです。違う点はメニューバーのヘルパーだけよ、とも。3.8に対してポジティブな印象が感じられますね。とはいえ彼らとしてもこの先ずーっと3.8の更新を続けてゆく訳にもいかないでしょうから、どこかしらのタイミングで MacAppStore 経由のプロダクトへ一本化するんだろうなと予想。

で、肝心な点。乗り換えるか見送りかなわけですが、結論としてはここまで3.9周辺にポジティブな情報が無いならばいっそのこと怖いもの見たさで乗り換えを選択してみようかなとか考えてます。今のところ乗り換えによって得られるメリットは、MacAppStore で更新通知が得られることくらいでしょうか…

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