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Sparrow — Dear Sparrowers, Sparrow 1.2 for iPhone is here… http://bit.ly/IRrP3I

iPhone のメールクライアント Sparrow がアップデートです。バージョンは 1.2。いやーそれにしても残念です。プッシュ通知機能搭載は見送りとなった模様です。プッシュ通知の今後について、Sparrow ブログに記載がありましたので、これを下に転載。

About Push

You were more than 16 000 helping us on our Apple quest to get the VoIP privilege. We can’t thank you enough for your support. Unfortunately, Apple has confirmed that they are not willing to do any exception to the rule and that Sparrow will NOT be granted with the privilege.

This means we’ll have to do Push on our side and that it will be integrated as a yearly subscription into Sparrow’s future update.

Sparrow — Dear Sparrowers, Sparrow 1.2 for iPhone is here… http://bit.ly/IRrP3I


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