導入当初の不安を余所に、今となっちゃかなり使い込んでる OmniGraffle Pro のアップデートです。ほぼ毎日使うツールなので、アップデートは本当に有り難い次第。

Ver5.4 のリリースノートの内、新しい機能追加の部分だけ引用を下に。

OmniGraffle 5.4June 04 2012 — Requires Mac OS X v10.6.8 or later
New Features

  1. 64-bit mode: If you’re running Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion), OmniGraffle now takes advantage of 64-bit mode, providing substantial stability and performance improvements. This has changed the minimum Operating System Requirement to Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later.
  2. A dynamic Quick Look preview generator has been added to OmniGraffle, which brings back the ability to Quick Look files in the Finder while no longer writing out the preview to the file (impacting performance when autosaving and versioning).
  3. Stencil searching has been greatly improved to help you find stencils or objects in stencils that you have installed.
  4. Shadows have improved their rendering, particularly when zoomed in.
  5. Keyboard shortcuts for Zoom In and Zoom Out have been changed to match the iWork applications.
  6. When OmniGraffle is unlicensed, the right side of the document titlebar should indicate that it is in trial mode, and how many days are left in the trial.
  7. OmniGraffle now sports a new icon to bring it more into the family of our other applications.

OmniGraffle for Mac – The Omni Group http://bit.ly/KP2laM

ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ テリーのワンダーランド3D