WordPress 投稿をFacebook へ転載するためのプラグイン、Facebook for WordPress がアップデートを迎えました。ver1.0.1。

ver1.0 ではだいぶ苦労させられた部分が大きかったのですが、このアップデートで問題だった部分は解消されたのだろうか?期待を寄せて良いの?



  • Comment count bug fix.
  • Comments width bug fix.
  • Like, send, subscribe: fixed incorrect hrefs for homepage buttons.
  • Added like/send button to settings page (spread the word!).
  • Changed minimum and maximum supported WP versions.
  • Security fix in the admin control panel.
  • Fixed issue with publishing a post/page if there isn’t a thumbnail defined.
  • Changed auto-completes to play nice with UTF-8.
  • Moved extended access token function to Facebook_WP class.
  • Added debug link on settings page that outputs debug information.
  • Lots of i18n fixes.
  • Added easier debugging of Facebook API errors.
  • Added better logged in state detection in admin UI, depending on if the user has authenticated and given certain permissions.
  • Fixed publishing a post if no friends or pages mentioned.
  • Theme fixes to prevent like and mentions bar from showing up in the wrong place.
  • Fixed configure link on plugins page.
  • Fixes for bugs happening on 404 page.
  • Bug fix for if a WP admin removes the app via facebook.com.
  • Added status messages for what was/wasn’t posted to Facebook as part of a Post/Page being taken live.
  • Added functionality to disable publishing to a page if access token fails.
  • Clearer error messages for certain scenarios (like inability to post to a friend of page’s Timeline because of privacy settings.
  • Fixed conflicts with Power Editor and extraneous text being added to og:description. Thanks to Angelo Mandato (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-facebook-plugin-conflicts-with-powerpress?replies=16)

